Friday, August 11, 2017

So Far, So Good
Not the most predictable weather year for golf, but it's been idyllic for growing grass.  Cool nights for most of the summer and regular rains do wonders for lawns, trees, and golf courses.  June and July were uncharacteristically cool and wet.  Casualties of the regular rains are distance off the tee for everyone, thicker rough, and wet bunkers.  Unfortunately none of these has an immediate remedy. As August rolls in, we're seeing the fairways dry out and get tighter, and greens remain as true and healthy as ever.  
2017 Men's MG - nice weather for ducks

Fairway program

This year, for the first time in the club's history, we've been treating all fairways with regular preventative fungicide and insecticides. What we see is improved vigor and an ability to get a better, shorter cut.  To make the fungicides last longer on the plant, a growth regulator is added to stunt the plants. We're experimenting with what rate is the right rate for our situation and grass species and after some trial and error this spring, we've hit on the right mix.
Spring growth regulator injury
Recovery 3 weeks late

Bunker Conditioning
The biggest loser from flooding rains are the bunkers.  Between sand washing off higher slopes, or silt and mud migrating upward from the bunker floor to contaminate the bunker sand, the bunkers are difficult to keep in consistent condition.  Often they get so hard from being over-wet and compacted, they're mistakenly thought to not have enough sand in them.  We're trying a longer "ripper" tine on the trap rake machine to see if we can fluff the bunkers up.  So far the reports are positive and it's helping the consistency.

Gold Tees  
The newest course feature the club is trying out is an addition of a forward set of tees we're calling the Gold tees.  This was in response to numerous requests for the course to play more fairly for the higher handicapper. Tuscarora can be brutal to play for the player that doesn't hit a long drive. The tees will be rated when their positions are finalized.  Feedback, so far, has been positive.
TBA:  what tee sets will remain and what color they'll be.
16 gold tee

Home Lawns

It's the time of year to start thinking about home lawn care if you live in an area with grub problems or if you have a tenacious weed you want to rid yourself of -- we're at the beginning of the time to treat for them 
If your lawn doesn't have a history of grubs or an especially bad weed problem, leave it alone.  Most lawns can tolerate high populations of grubs without showing any signs of damage. A good indicator of whether you should apply is if you've had skunks or raccoons digging last year.  
Skunk damage from looking for grubs

Weeds, especially biennials like dandelions, are already getting ready for next year but are nearly invisible to the eye.  Between now and Halloween is an ideal time to treat for them if you've had problems in the past.  

Your local favorite hardware store will best be able to supply you with what you need in product and equipment to get the job done.
Feel free to contact me if you have specific lawn or shrub issues. I'm happy to help find solutions to your landscape problems.

Fall Projects
Fall/winter projects haven't been finalized, but what's been discussed are new rain shelters for the 4/7 tee area and 13/14/15 area, and improving drainage on the 16th green, and 11 and 12 fairway.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Snow in May!

Back At It!

For new members at Tuscarora, welcome.  We hope the golf course brings you the enjoyment and relaxation you're looking for.  With your membership comes a monthly blog, by the Green Superintendent and Green Chairman, that addresses the latest happenings and news on the course.  This month we'll address course set-up questions, schedules, and give reports on upcoming, or ongoing projects. 

Development around the clubhouse and 9 green is coming to a close and has added improved aesthetics, play-ability and use-ability.



More flowers will be added along the west side of the club next week.  Traffic bollards were installed today to help remind cart drivers that the walk behind 9 green is for foot traffic only.

Tuscarora Time
A beautiful clock tower was added between 9 green and 1 tee. The clock installer has been servicing these clocks for 17 years and of the golf ball impacts he's witnessed, he's never seen a clock damaged by a direct hit. Then again, we are an exceptional club.


New Traffic Pattern Around Club
9 Fairway - carts go to the right > > >

With the removal of the exit drive behind 9 green and the new walk path to clubhouse finished, there is exactly one direction we'd like all riding golf carts to travel - to the right! It puts you the closest to the bar/restaurant and bathrooms after the front 9.  To the right of the green -- this is where we want you.  Walkers and pull carts can continue doing what they've always done.

As you drive your cart to 10 tee, please come to a full stop before you cross the entrance driveway.  
Cars and trucks are coming in, usually too fast, and it's the golf cart drivers responsibility to yield to them.

Talk with the pro shop if you need to get your cart into non-cart areas on the course.  Blue cart flags are used to communicate to the grounds staff and pro shop that a cart is supposed to be in a restricted area or right up next to a green or tee where we normally don't see them.  We're happy to work with golfers who have a chronic condition or legitimate need to get their carts where they need to be. 

Finally, Thanks for your help in keeping this new area from getting beat up by carts.  it's a small cozy part of the property that will be a nice site for future gatherings and fun.  It's gone from a thoroughfare for automobiles to a beautiful front lawn and we can keep it that way by keeping carts where we need them to be.  Thanks!

Course News
5 tee
The rotting shed behind 5 tee was removed and a new rain shelter is in the planning stage and will reside in the wooded area to the left of 14 tee. The tee itself will remain unchanged for the season but the bare area where the shed resided will be seeded and grown in to rough. The tee suffers from being heavily shaded and too small for the amount of play.  The final placement of the tee, or addition of tee space, will address the shade problem and increase the surface area. It will also consider the landing areas down range to accommodate the new positions players will find themselves in.   This is slated for a fall project as of this writing. It's currently in the talking stage, so, opinions are still appreciated.

7 Green
 The work on 7 green was to remove a sand dam that had built up over years of topdressing (16 green has a similar problem). This slowed water from leaving the green and made for weak turf. Besides being the smallest green in Onondaga county, it didn't need the added stress.
Sod removal and sand buildup removal
 The green will drain properly now and have a new "false front" similar to 5 green that lets mowers turn easily.
Reclaiming lost green edges
Finishing up the project, we did a quick greens edge reclamation and gained some lost green space that shrinks over the years due to mowing and grass competition.

Marked trees
Trees along the left rough on 14/15 have been marked by the Superintendent and Green Chairman for removal last winter.  Criteria for removal was health of tree, overcrowding, and lack of grass due to shading.  The goal of removal is to let more sunlight into the area so we can get grass to grow. Currently the area is mud due to shade.  Removal will take place over the course of the next year as time and money allow. One of Tuscarora's strengths are it's mature trees, their management and protection is ongoing. 

Areas left bare due to winter construction, irrigation improvements, and tree removal around the course will be seeded over the coming weeks.  Weather is just about warm enough to germinate grass (unaided by turf blankets).  Over the next few weeks these areas will be fine raked and seeded and strawed.  Thanks for your patience

Maintenance Schedule
If you're someone who's interested in when we do things, here's an outline of our weekly practices. 
Some operations can only be completed in the rain while others need dry conditions.  It's changeable, obviously. 
Ultimately weather and daily events dictate what we do that day. Nothing in stone, but here's the program we use to plan our week.
  • Saturdays, Sundays
  1. Mow/roll greens
  2. Change cups & tee service
  3. Rake Bunkers
  • Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
  1. Mow/Verticut greens(topdress Mondays only), roll
  2. Chemical applications
  3. Mow rough
  4. Mow fairways
  • Tuesdays, Thursdays
  1. Mow greens
  2. Cut Cups
  3. Mow tees
  4. Mow rough
  5. Chemical applications