Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Greener Notes - Centennial Edition

 Year of the Rabbit

To honor the 100th anniversary through this season, I'll include a little visual history with every post.  Back before digital cameras and cell phones, I documented course improvements with real film.  I still have some paper pictures from the early 2000's as well as hundreds of digital photos from the following years to current day.  Many of the course changes made over the last 20+ years have been long forgotten. Some where good ideas and others less so.  Along with the usual course updates and reports, expect a short stroll through memory lane, from a property improvement perspective.  



Present day

Maintenance Facility Progress


March 2023 makes it 5 months since we broke ground on the new building.  Progress continues at a brisk pace as we close in on occupancy in April. 


New Electric, phone and data, and a permanent municipal water supply have all been installed.  If you've been following along on Instagram you've seen the process unfolding.  

New 3-phase power

Permanent water and septic at the shop will be a treat.

Course Work
The crew has been split between our usual winter season maintenance, repair and sharpening and helping contractors with trenching, conduit, and water line installation. With the mild winter and absence of frost in the ground, getting heavy equipment on the course for tree work has been limited.  The exception has been a contracted logging of the woods between holes 4, 5, and 6.  About an acre of Scotch and Austrian Pine were thinned out to increase air circulation, light, and improve playability for those 3 holes.  50-60  trees were left in the area to create a more aesthetically pleasing parkland setting similar to the rest of the course.  All the snags,  underbrush and stumps have been ground out and grass will be planted throughout the new space.  Finding errant shots will be easier and maybe even playable. The area will be a work in progress through the season as we transition it from wood lot to parkland. I expect it to be fully in play by mid to late summer. 
Aspect from #4 

Rotary Axe

Trench Warfare

As play starts returning to the course, golfers will be met with 2  major trenches that cross three holes.  The new municipal water line crosses 7 fairway and the new electric service crosses 16 and 17 fairways and rough.  As ground dries up and weather cooperates, trenches will be raked, seeded and sodded.  The target for these areas to be completely back in play is by Memorial Day. Cart crossings and routing through these areas will be regulated. 

16 fairway

7 fairway

The Final Countdown
As this gets posted it's now March 29 and opening day is around the corner. Whatever weather may come Tuscarora always opens on  either side of Masters week and this year's no exception.   This year we're shooting for April 5th for opening for walkers.  Carts will be allowed when drier conditions prevail.  Some late breaking news - after a years wait, the new practice mat system is on site and ready to be installed. The mats will be in use until we see soil temps in the 50s. Welcome back!