Friday, April 4, 2014


This past week was the first time we've seen the greens since the mid-January thaw as they've been encased in solid ice since then!  We took the measure of spreading black sunflower seeds to greens that are slow to melt. The black color absorbs solar energy, in the form of heat, and helps speed up the melt. The black shadecloth on 17 green is there for the same reason - to generate heat and speed growth.  The greens look like they'll be okay in spite of the ice.  A few greens are going to take longer to break dormancy after such weather extremes and I'll be watching those closely.  Typically extended ice encasement weakens poa greens, like ours, and that's what I'm seeing evidence of in the field.  Creeping bentgrass fairs better in these conditions and you'll see courses with predominant creeping bentgrass greens recovering faster from this winter.
(#4 before/after seed)

We're monitoring the progress of our greens using plug samples that we've taken over the last month.  All the plugs taken had snow and ice over them when sampled in March.  All have recovered and are growing normally.  It's taken longer than normal, about 3 weeks on average, but that's expected after what they've been through.

Aerification will take place as soon as the greens are firm and dry enough to remove a plug. Unfortunately,  that will likely coincide with nice golfing weather - late April.  Our aerifying operation is quick and should only take 2 days.  The quicker we get warm air into the greens, the faster they'll grow in.
Your understanding is appreciated.

We're in our second year of off-season tee leveling projects. We started 11, 13 red, and 6 last fall, and will be finishing them up in the coming weeks.  They've settled nicely and we've begun finish grading, irrigation upgrades, and sodding.  (Number 6 below)


Unknown said...

Thanks for the post, Steve. I think this blog is a great idea!

Steve Kurta said...

Thanks, Andrew. It's a quick way to get information out and communicate what we're up to. I'll try to keep something coming every week.

Chris Marshall said...

Thanks Steve. Appreciate the hard work.